Saturday, March 12, 2011

Lily's finished

Well I finished Lily a couple of days ago. Here's a couple of pictures of her...

Shes a little cutey who looks like Natalie.

I've noticed that my two dolls have different noses. Lily has a little Piggy one where as Kats has smaller nostrils. I think that Kat is more like a Blythe because they seem to have very pinched noses that make me think of people who have nose jobs.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Yay for the nail buffers!

I have just finished Sand matting Lilys face!
From what I read online most people seem to use a type of sanding sponge thing (the name of it slips my mind at this moment) but I noticed someone mentioned nail buffers work and also steel wool.
So firstly I tried sanding the back of her head with steel wool and that just made it look all scratched. So I 'borrowed' Denise's nail buffer and tried that and it worked! After sanding most her face down with the rough side I buffed it up so it was semi matte but not too shiny, nowhere near as shiny as it was before.
The conundrum I came across was that it is hard to sand right in near the base of the nose, and also to sand all the original lipstick off from the crevices of the lips. It looked as though her nose was running!
But, I had a plan! I figured that maybe Denise's battery operated nail buffer with various shaped heads might work...and it did! I even managed to sand a bit more of a groove into the line of the lips with a very small headed buffer.
Heres a picture of Lily as I received her from Ebay and another of the newly sanded face...

Oh how much better that looks! The shininess just does not do anything for a Blybe/Blythe/Basaak...

Which brings me back to yesterdays post...
After some more searching around for the answer to the question of whether my dolls were Blybes or Basaaks, I read that the older Blybes were better quality and had bodies similar to the Blythes. But these days they aren't as well made. Basaaks on the other hand are supposed to be the better made dolls these days.
So..if Lily is a Basaak (as it says on the auction) and Basaaks are supposed to be better quality than Blybes, then god help us to what the newest Blybes quality must be like!

One more quick note, not to do with Blybes but..........
Dragon Age 2 is out tomorrow!! Yay!! It's pre-ordered so we will be there at EB Games bright and early tomorrow morning!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Lily arrives

Lilys body arrived today (and her wig a few days before). I'm slightly confused about this new doll body that has arrived, or actually more so with the previous one. Did I mention I called her Kat? I'm not sure why, she just seemed like a Kat to me. Anyway back to the doll body thing.

Lilys body is quite a bit different to Kats. It's no where near as well made, is a lot more orange in colour and smells really bad. The hair was horrible so I cut it off (I needed to do that anyway to fit the wig). I need to do some more research on this matter I think..I realise there are different Blythe clones available but i'm just not sure which ones I have.
Kat came secondhand as a 'Blybe' but she may have been customized for all I know. The hair is definitely better quality than it was on Lilys body and the scalp has been dyed. Her face was matte sanded which I want to do with Lilys face. It's pale and so is the body unlike Lilys orange looking tan. Kats body also seems more sturdier (harder plastic) and not as cheap looking as Lilys which has chips and cracks and looks like something you would buy from a cheap Chinese junk shop.

Looking back at the Ebay listing for Lilys body it says in the title "BASAAK BLYBE CCE 4 COLOR CHANGING EYES" which doesn't tell me anything. Down further in the article it says I would receive a "Basaak Doll in the outfit as shown in the pictures,a doll stand, one extra dress,a pair of shoes."
I was lead to believe from various online articles and discussions that a Blybe IS a Basaak (Basaak being added to the name so it doesn't sound to close to 'Blythe'). But this goes to show they possibly are not the same.
CCE dolls are obviously different because their wastes don't rotate and the feet slope downwards, so we can rule any of them out from being a CCE.
So then the question remains...Is Lily a Basaak and Kat a Blybe? Are Blybes and Basaaks the same thing and is Lily a rip off of a rip off? Is Kats body actually a Blythe body? (I don't think so as the waste is quite floppy which is a Blybe/Basaak characteristic).

Well, I shall go hunting for the answers!

Thursday, February 24, 2011


I bought a mini sewing machine off Trademe a couple of weeks ago! I've been busy making some clothes for my Blybe doll who is still without a name. I've already got names ready for the next two Blybes I get...Lily is coming in the post as we speak and Natia will be bought later on when I find the wig I want for her. Lily originally has pink hair, but she's getting a really cute blondey browny wig from Ebay. Originally my first Blybe was going to have a wig and probably get called Natia or Lily but then I really liked her with black hair so i'm keeping her like that.
Lily is named after Lily from "Lily and the vacuum cleaner" which is a book Natalie loves. She's so cute when she try to get her tounge around the word Lily! Anyway, when I saw that wig I thought it was so cute on its model Blythe and looked like Natalie.
Natia's wig is proving harder to find. There are not a lot of redhead wigs, and none in the right style. Natia is a character I had on Dragon Age, she was so cool and I love her name. It's Polish for Hope. Here she is:

So I need a short red haired wig with a side part. I might have to end up making my own one. Or getting another cute redhead wig.

While we are on the subject of Dragon Age (which is a really good game and pretty much almost as good as Oblivion maybe better...)I made a Morrigan outfit for the yet to be named Blybe. Here she is modelling it...

The Real Morrigan.

Clothes bought off Ebay

My first attempt at sewing a Blythe Dress.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Buy Buy Buy!

Well lately I've been having fun spending up on Trademe and I just have to wait for all my goods to arrive!
Some of the sellers (in Asia) are on holiday for a bit because it's Chinese New Year (year of the rabbit) and therefore posting the items will be a bit delayed. Theres a Lantern festival in Albert Park coming up that is there every year and which is supposed to be quite good. I might go along to it for a look.

This weeks spend ups include: Clothes for Blybe (tights, dress, top, hat), a Blybe sized camera, a mini sewing machine (I cant wait to start sewing again, I haven't done it for years!) and a Lonely Planet book on all the best places/experiences in the world. It's a really good book, I got it out from the library once and decided I really had to own a copy.

Blybie still doesn't have a name....I just cant think of one that suits her. I decided that I definitely have to get some more Blybes/Blythes...a red head one called Natia because I love that name since Natia was my cute little red head dwarf girl on Dragon Age. The other one would be called Lilly and I would buy it this wig I found on ebay which is blondey-brown. It reminds me of Natalie, my niece. Natalie loves a book called 'Lilly and the vacuum cleaner' and always wanders around saying Lilly!

Yet to be named Blybe had a bit of a makeover the other day. I found some fake human eyelashes at the $2 shop and add those onto her for longer lashes. I added black eyeshadow around her eyes and got rid of the lipstick and blusher the previous owner had put on her. The new lipstick is dark pink and is nail polish! I may redo it though, as its a bit lumpy. I'm not sure yet if she's going to have blusher.

I discovered a really good online craft shop with all sorts of neat things for sale made by different people. There are a lot of home made Blythe clothes there which are quite unique, as well as lots of other cool things.
I think i'll be spending up large there....

Friday, January 28, 2011

Blybe and Lomo!

It was an exciting and non-boring day for me today! Filled with lots of interesting things....
First of all, I was stepping out the front door to take some photo restorations I'd done, over to a neighbours house, and found a package addressed to me on the door step that looked suspiciously like the shape of a Blybe doll. So I took the photos over and when I came back I opened the package and there she was!

She's in a tatty old white dress at the moment so will find some new clothes and possibly new hair soon!

After that Lisa rang up about bridesmaid dresses and then Denise and I went up to the Library. After the Library it was just on 12 midday which was the time my Lomographs were ready to be picked up. Well the negatives anyway as I was going to scan them onto the computer. So that took up the rest of the afternoon.
Here are a few photos from my first roll of film taken with my Holga.

Monday, January 24, 2011


Today I bought my Blythe...well actually Blythe clone 'Blybe' (which is a cheaper version). So hopefully it should be arriving in a couple of days.
Most owners have names for them and like dressing them up and taking photos. Also creating their own clothes etc. Mine doesn't have a name yet, I don't think Blybes come pre-named either.
I've already found some cool clothes and wigs on ebay for it. There are also some cheap Blybes on there so I might be tempted to get another one...have one retro and one goth. But no...maybe I'll just wait until I have enough money to get a real Blythe. Although not one thats more than $200 (as they can get to $1000's, especially for the older ones).

Anyway, here is one cute cardigan I've found on ebay which I might has a little pod hat!!

I also like this hat found on ebay....

Along with heaps of cool goth boots. And various retro clothes....I'm not sure what clothes it will be coming with so I'll have to wait and see!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Bands Bands Bands

On Friday I went to my 2nd 'Big Day Out' music festival. I went along with Steve this time (last time it was with Angela) and we got rather sunburnt and rather wet from the rain that came later on in the day. It turned into a big poncho fest, everyone streaming for the stalls which sold them. Luckily when I got to one of the stalls I was there in time to get the last poncho.
Anyway, after that it got me thinking about this this T shirt I have that I used to write on (with fabric paint) all the bands and concerts I've ever been too. I think that there may be no more room to write on it so decided I shall write a list on here.


All the concerts I have ever been to! (so far)

Blindspott My first ever gig! 2003
8 Foot Sativa + Deja Voodoo 2004
Muse + Pluto 2004
D4 + The Bleeders 2005
Shihad Awesome concert in the rain 2005
Foo Fighters 2005 and 2008
The Feelers + Thirsty Merc 2006
The Datsuns + D4 2006
Bass in the grass festival Darwin 2006
Living End
28 Days
Something for Kate
Pete Murray
Hilltop Hoods
The Herd
U2 At the Olympic stadium Sydney 2006
Eskimo Joe 2007
Blindside 2007
Pluto 2007
Muse again, 2007
Linkin Park 2007
Airbourne 2008
Def Leppard 2008
The Big Day Out 2009
Bullet for my valentine
Headless Chickens
My Morning Jacket
The Living End
Dropkick Murpheys
Serj Tankian
Karnivool + Battle Circus + These four walls 2009
Faith No More! 2010
30 Seconds to Mars 2010
Black River Drive + Shotgun Ally + Autozamm 2010
The Big Day Out 2011
The Deftones
Birds of Tokyo
Iggy Pop
Stone Temple Pilots Will be in March 2011

I'm sure I've missed some...hmmm....
aha I have! adds in Airbourne...


Well its 2011! What will come in this year ahead?

Maybe I will find a job, or maybe (from July) I'll do a web development course.
Steve has a few months more to go of Uni, and when he finishes he will find work until I finish my course (if I do that) and then he hopes to find a job within Geology, probably in Australia.

In March it will be our 7th year Anniversary (of being together)and in April Lisa is getting married! I'm going to be her bridesmaid. So at the moment were trying to sort out our dresses. Mines going to probably be a dark (midnight) blue.

I've finally discovered a cheap (replica) Blythe doll on trade me so I may be buying that in the next day or so! I was going to custom make one from parts off ebay but it may be cheaper to get this one (which is also custom made). There are lots of amazing clothes to buy for them on ebay, as well as custom made wigs and eyes.