From what I read online most people seem to use a type of sanding sponge thing (the name of it slips my mind at this moment) but I noticed someone mentioned nail buffers work and also steel wool.
So firstly I tried sanding the back of her head with steel wool and that just made it look all scratched. So I 'borrowed' Denise's nail buffer and tried that and it worked! After sanding most her face down with the rough side I buffed it up so it was semi matte but not too shiny, nowhere near as shiny as it was before.
The conundrum I came across was that it is hard to sand right in near the base of the nose, and also to sand all the original lipstick off from the crevices of the lips. It looked as though her nose was running!
But, I had a plan! I figured that maybe Denise's battery operated nail buffer with various shaped heads might work...and it did! I even managed to sand a bit more of a groove into the line of the lips with a very small headed buffer.
Heres a picture of Lily as I received her from Ebay and another of the newly sanded face...

Oh how much better that looks! The shininess just does not do anything for a Blybe/Blythe/Basaak...
Which brings me back to yesterdays post...
After some more searching around for the answer to the question of whether my dolls were Blybes or Basaaks, I read that the older Blybes were better quality and had bodies similar to the Blythes. But these days they aren't as well made. Basaaks on the other hand are supposed to be the better made dolls these days.
So..if Lily is a Basaak (as it says on the auction) and Basaaks are supposed to be better quality than Blybes, then god help us to what the newest Blybes quality must be like!
One more quick note, not to do with Blybes but..........
Dragon Age 2 is out tomorrow!! Yay!! It's pre-ordered so we will be there at EB Games bright and early tomorrow morning!
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