Saturday, February 27, 2010


Today I've been denied yet another trip to Goat Island. We have been attempting to go there for weeks but something always happens the day we plan to go there such as colds, bad weather and now the tsunami warnings. The Tsunami warnings have come after there was a 8.8 magnitude earthquake in Chili. All the Auckland beaches have been closed and there have been various strange tidal surges around NZ. Apparently they could last up to 12 hours.

In happier news, I have my new tooth and it's straight and non-fat. So that's good.
But the best news of all is that a couple of weeks ago I went for an eye test to see if that had anything to do with headaches. I found out that I'm short sighted and I cant believe how much sharper things at a distance look with glasses. I had no idea my vision was so blurry. Since I've been wearing glasses, I haven't had any headaches! It's been such a relief! Having headaches everyday made me so depressed-just the thought that they could go on like that all my life... I cant believe I actually found the cure! I'm so much happier now not being in pain all the time.

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